We're proud to bring Gracie Jiu Jitsu® to the Amsterdam community. Our Gracie Combatives® program is taught by our Gracie Certified Instructor and is the perfect self-defence training system. Gracie Jiu-Jitsu® Amsterdam is here to help you accomplish your goals while providing you with an incredibly supportive community.
Gracie Jiu-Jitsu® Amsterdam is the only Certified Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Training Centre® authorised to teach the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu® self-defence programs in The Netherlands. All active Gracie Jiu-Jitsu® Amsterdam students qualify for free Gracie University online curriculum access as well as free satellite CTC training privileges when visiting other schools around the globe.
Although Gracie or Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is the most effective martial art on the planet, it is a relatively young martial art. Lacking a standardised curriculum, it is common practice, at BJJ schools around the world, for techniques to be presented in complete randomness. Each day, the instructor shows up to class, having no clue what to teach, and asks the students: “What do you guys want to do?” as if the students know better than he does, as to what should be practiced. Learning in such an unorganised environment can be extremely frustrating and overwhelming. New students almost always feel left behind since the techniques are usually tailored to meet the needs of the more advanced students. In most cases, students experience a sensation known as “Technique Overload” and end up quitting within 3 to 5 months of enrolling, and when they do, the instructor believes that the student’s lack of discipline is to blame. What they fail to realize is that when a student quits, the problem lies not within the work ethic of the student, or the techniques of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, but within the format in which BJJ is being taught.